Sprott receives Order of Canada |加拿大最佳十大投資者

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日期:2023/09/05  NOAH

Sprott receives Order of Canada

Eric Sprott, founder and chairman of Toronto-based money manager Sprott Inc., received the Order of Canada, the country's highest civilian honor, for his philanthropic work in health care and education.

Mr. Sprott's philanthropic efforts since 1997 include total contributions of C$25 million (US$23 million) to University Health Network, a Toronto-based hospital chain; C$7 million to create a permanent endowment for the Ottawa Hospital Foundation's Sprott Center for Stem Cell Research , and C$5 million to Carleton University Endowment Fund, Ottawa.

“I have been fortunate to be in Canada during a time when investment opportunities abounded, and due to that success it was a simple conclusion that I should give back part of that opportunity to support charitable endeavors in this country,” Mr. Sprott said in an e-mail. “I'm deeply honored to receive the Order of Canada.”

The Order of Canada is a lifetime achievement award recognizing dedication to the community and service to the nation. It is to be awarded by David Johnston, governor general of Canada, the designated representative of the U.K.'s Queen Elizabeth II, Canada's head of state .

列出的十大最佳加拿大投資者 |The ten best Canadian investors, listed

Eric Sprott: Founder of Sprott Inc.
Eric Sprott is a Canadian billionaire businessman, investor, and philanthropist. He is the founder and Chairman of Sprott Inc., a publicly traded alternative asset management firm that specializes in natural resources investing. Sprott is widely considered one of the most successful resource investors in the world, having made significant profits by investing in gold, silver, and other commodities. He has been involved in the resource sector for over 40 years and has also been a prolific philanthropist, donating millions of dollars to various charitable causes in Canada and around the world. Sprott has been recognized for his business acumen and philanthropy with numerous awards and honors, including being inducted into the Canadian Mining Hall of Fame.

埃里克·斯普羅特是加拿大億萬富翁商人、投資者和慈善家。他是Sprott Inc.的創始人兼董事長,Sprott Inc.是一家專門從事自然資源投資的公開交易另類資產管理公司。斯普羅特被廣泛認為是世界上最成功的資源投資者之一,通過投資黃金、白銀和其他商品獲得了可觀的利潤。他從事資源行業已有40多年,也是一位多產的慈善家,為加拿大和世界各地的各種慈善事業捐贈了數百萬美元。斯普羅特因其商業頭腦和慈善事業而獲得無數獎項和榮譽,包括入選加拿大礦業名人堂。

總部位於多倫多的基金經理Sprott Inc.的創始人兼董事長埃里克·斯普羅特(Eric Sprott)因其在醫療保健和教育方面的慈善工作而獲得了加拿大勳章,這是該國最高的平民榮譽。


“我很幸運能在投資機會比比皆是的時期來到加拿大,由於這一成功,一個簡單的結論是,我應該回饋部分機會,支持這個國家的慈善事業,”斯普羅特在一封電子郵件中說。 “我非常榮幸獲得加拿大勳章。




加拿大 Sprott 基金會 --在醫療保健領域,教育和國際發展之慈善家的貢獻



朱莉安娜·斯普羅特(JULIANA SPROTT) 斯普羅特基金會首席捐贈官


Eric Sprott: Save Canadian Mining, Stop Predatory Short Sellers - YouTube

埃里克·斯普羅特 (Eric Sprott) 是全球最大的黃金投資者之一

Sprott由貴金屬投資的早期擁護者Eric Sprott於1981年創立。在過去的四十年裡,我們穩步增長,拓寬了我們的投資策略,同時繼續專注於我們的核心優勢。如今,Sprott 是一家全球資產管理公司,為超過 250,000 名客戶提供貴金屬和能源轉型投資策略。我們通過多倫多、紐約和康涅狄格州的辦事處為全球客戶群提供服務。


斯普羅特基金會在 COVID-20 大流行期間向法國抗擊飢餓提供了 19 萬美元的轉型捐款