Dr.Marc Kealey   Global Honorary Chairman   Noah Foundation

Dr.Marc KealeyCanada A lead voice for public policy,management, and public sector governance in Canada.

 Noah Foundation  Humanitarian Fund 


  Prof. Dr. William Chai    Global Managing Director   Noah Foundation

Dr.Marc Kealey Global Honorary Chairman   and  Prof.Dr. William Chai    Global Managing Director-High charity creates and sustains global humanity, high life and high leadership value system!


   Prof. Frank Chen   Global Director & Asia PacificDirector  Noah Foundation 諾亞基金會 陳俊吉 Frank Chen- 全球董事 暨 亞太首席代表





Dr.Marc Kealey(加拿大)– A lead voice for public policy,management, and public sector governance in Canada.

Noah Foundation 諾亞基金會

(Humanitarian Fund) (人道主義基金)

我們是誰  我們的任務 諾亞基金會的使命是解開不公正的枷鎖,讓被壓迫者自由,去餓者有食,赤身者有衣,為窮人提供住所。

我們的目標是帶來全面和整體的 解決世界上最弱勢群體的問題,


我們立足於豐富的以賽亞書 58 章。 我們相信我們被呼召成為上帝的交通工具地球使窮人過上更好的生活

Who We Are

Our Mission

The Mission of Noah Foundation is to loosen the

chains of injustice, to set the oppressed free, to

feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and to

provide shelter for the poor.

Our goal is to bring comprehensive and holistic

solutions to the world’s most disadvantaged,

desolate and impoverished populations.

We stand on the rich text of Isaiah 58.

We believe we are called to be God’s vehicle on

Earth to empower the poor to live better lives


我們的願景 我們的願景是遵循上帝的命令結束  平衡不平等的赤貧 世界上的財富; 成為上帝的代理人 識別、獲取和支付經濟 機會給被剝奪權利、服務不足的人,和受壓迫的地球人。

我們努力發起正義的崛起 地球上的政府。

我們相信我們的工作會沉澱和 加速最大的靈魂收割 人類歷史上的神國。

We believe, “We are the hands of Grace!”

Our Vision

Our Vision is to follow God’s Mandate to end extreme poverty balancing the unequal equity of wealth in the world; being God’s agents to identify, acquire, and disburse economic opportunity to the disenfranchised, underserved, and oppressed people of Earth.

We strive to initiate the rise of righteous government on Earth.

We believe that our work will precipitate and accelerate the greatest harvest of souls for the Kingdom of God in human history.


Our 7 Core Principles  

Servanthood | Stewardship | Empowerment |

Faith | Integrity | Innovation | Dignity

我們的 7 項核心原則

僕人 | 管理 | 賦能 |信仰 | 誠信 | 創新 | 尊嚴


諾亞基金會以其身份運作 該組織的贈款部門。

該部門尋求參與和合作與人道主義響應社區,政府、商界領袖、企業、政策制定者和慈善家 幫助那些極度貧困的人擺脫困境 貧困和創造自由和繁榮賦權和提升的公民社會人的尊嚴。

通過部門的資助 計劃,基金會的資金 閾值集中在 7 個優先級內資金部門:司法與人權 | 住房 |健康與營養 |救災與環境管理 | 社區發展 | 基礎設施發展 | 政策與宣傳


Noah Foundation in its capacity operates as the grant-making division of the organization. The division seeks to engage and partnerwith the humanitarian response community,government, business leaders, corporations,policymakers, and philanthropist across theglobe to lift those in extreme destitute out of poverty and to create free and flourishing civil societies that Empower and Elevate Human Dignity. Through the division’s grant-making

programs, the foundation’s funding thresholds are focused within 7 PriorityFunding Sectors:

Justice & Human Rights | Housing | Health & Nutrition |Disaster Relief & Environmental Stewardship | Community Development | Infrastructure Development | Policy & Advocacy

諾亞基金會旨在培養長期 建立整體解決方案的伙伴關係 並提供可衡量的、可持續的和有影響力的社會回報與組織的綜合戰略使命。

政策 &治理

糧食安全 • 清潔水 • 環境衛生 可持續發展 農業 健康 &營養與飢餓的人分享你的食物

Noah Foundation aims to cultivate long-term partnerships that establish Holistic Solutions and deliver measurable, sustainable, and

impactful social returns in alignment with the organization’s Comprehensive Strategic Mission.

Policy & Governance

Food Security • Clean Water • Sanitation Sustainable Agriculture

Health & Nutrition

Share your food with the hungry

食品安全 • 清潔水 • 衛生 • 可持續



全球健康與營養倡議是一個複雜的 通過營養不良與健康相關的人道主義問題,但也對可持續的經濟發展、環境管理, 和 貿易. 農業仍然是最大的大多數發展中國家的就業部門和國際農業協定對國家的糧食安全。

然而,許多農民生產的糧食僅夠養活他們的家人。 無法產生盈餘,他們沒有購買可以提高作物產量的投入品的收入——儘管只需要適度的投資和

改進耕作方式使其產量增加三倍或四倍目前的生產水平。 此外,缺乏食物


推廣有效的營養解決方案將花費據估計,每年 110 億美元


這包括每年 60 億美元用於治療營養不良兒童的優質食品。

Food Security • Clean Water • Sanitation • Sustainable


The Challenge

The Global Health and Nutrition initiative is a complex

humanitarian issue linked to health through malnutrition, but

also to sustainable economic development, environment

stewardship, and trade. Agriculture remains the largest

employment sector in most developing countries and

international agriculture agreements are crucial to a

country’s food security.

However many farmers produce barely enough food to feed

their families. Unable to generate a surplus, they have no income to buy the inputs that can enhance their crop yields— even though it would take only modest investments and improvements in farming practices to triple or quadruple their current levels of production. Furthermore, the lack of food security, clean water, and functional sanitation infrastructure systems contributes to the death of several thousands of children each year.

Scaling up effective nutrition solutions will cost an estimated US$11 billion annually, according to the World Bank.

This includes US$6 billion annually for high-quality food to treat malnourished children.

捐助者和發展中國家的承諾 目前的營養計劃遠遠達不到這個標準,但國際社會正在齊心協力加強營養 (SUN) 運動以提高提高認識,增加資源,提高








Donor and developing-country commitments to nutrition programs currently fall far short of this mark,but the global community is coming together in the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) movement to raise awareness, increase resources, and improve the capacity and accountability of programs.

The Strategy

Noah Foundation is committed to creating a more sustainable and healthful food supply and to raising awareness concerning food issues. This is realized through the support of family farmers and their communities, educators and programs that teach younger generations about food matters, along with support for ranchers

and farmers who are working to develop more sustainable practices.

Noah Foundation seeks to support organizations that help with immediate food security needs, like food banks and cooperatives that can leverage a city-wide network of collaborators to

meet the overall need of lack of food security, including food deserts.

Noah Foundation seeks to also fund groups that improve sanitation issues through waste treatment (municipal incinerators) and

resource recovery.

諾亞基金會採用的策略是全球對更好的衛生設施的需求,這也包括努力結束農村露天排便領域並實施改進措施收集廢物,去除病原體廢物流,並回收有價值的資源和能源。 因為創新我們的支持可以最直接地體現在人口稠密的地區,主要集中在城市衛生和公共政策可以支持城市中新的衛生設施交付模式。

我們的優先事項包括識別和測試政府和私營部門可用於擴展優質服務 對一個城市的所有居民,而不僅僅是那些較富裕的社區。 最終改進了衛生設施將是確保健康、發展中國家的可持續城市,以及然後證明成功的方法可以適應並擴展到農村社區

Noah Foundation adopts the strategy of building global demand for better sanitation, which also includes efforts to end open defecation in rural areas and to implement improved measures for collecting waste, removing pathogens from waste streams, and recovering valuable resources and energy. Because the innovations we support can be most immediately valuable in densely populated areas, the main focus is on urban sanitation and the public policies that can

support new sanitation delivery models in cities.

Our priorities include identifying and testingdelivery models that governments and theprivate sector can use to extend quality service

to all residents of a city, not just those in wealthier neighborhoods. Ultimately, improved sanitation will be a key to ensuring healthy,

sustainable cities in the developing world, and the approaches that prove successful can then be adapted and extended to rural communities.




良好的質量基礎設施是一個關鍵因素可持續發展。 在許多發展中國家的基礎設施(電力、水、衛生設施、信息和通信技術和道路)是失敗,不足或不存在。基礎設施訪問不足是關鍵經濟增長的障礙。


Infrastructure Development


The Challenge

Sound quality infrastructure is a key ingredient for sustainable development. In many developing countries basic infrastructure (power,water, sanitation, information andcommunications technologies, and roads) iseither failing, insufficient, or non-existent.

Inadequate access to infrastructure is a keybarrier to economic growth. It inhibits access to health care, education, and markets.

Growing economies need efficient transport, sanitation, energy and communications systems if they are to prosper and provide a decent

standard of living for their populations.


公共衛生基礎設施是基礎設施提供和執行公共衛生服務在各個層面。 強大的基礎設施提供準備和應對兩者的能力緊急情況和長期持續的威脅。



諾亞基金會致力於支持基礎設施政策、投資和服務在發展中國家。 基金會的基礎設施計劃將尋求資助能源、道路的設計和施工,通訊、公共衛生和水基礎設施。 該計劃的目標是識別並實施可持續和創新的基礎設施網絡——既增加窮人獲得關鍵服務和提供環境有利於經濟的可持續增長。


Further infrastructure is also fundamental to human development, including the delivery of health and education services.

Public Health infrastructure is fundamental to the provision and execution of public health services at all levels. A strong infrastructure provides the capacity to prepare for and respond to both acute emergency and chronic ongoing threats.

Infrastructure is the foundation for planning, delivering, and evaluating public health.

The Strategy

Noah Foundation aims to engage in supporting infrastructure policies, investment and services in developing countries. The foundation’s infrastructure program will seeks to fund the

design and construction of energy, roads, communications, public health, and water infrastructure. The goal of the program is to

identity and implement sustainable and innovative infrastructural networksboth to increase poor people’s access to crucial

services and to provide an environment conducive to sustainable economic growth.

Noah Foundation seeks to work in partnership with country stakeholders and other aid donors





世界正在經歷一場全球性的住房危機。 全世界,約有8.276億人生活在城市貧民窟

據估計,世界貧民窟人口將達到近 10億。 現在世界上大約 50% 的人口

生活在城市地區,這個數字將在未來30年。 最低工資跟不上生活成本上升,許多工人難以負擔體面的住房。體面、穩定的住房提供的不僅僅是住所,它提供:

 家庭和兒童的穩定。

 尊嚴感和自豪感。

 健康、人身安全和保障。

 增加教育和就業前景

to improve transport as a means of achieving the broader goals of reducing poverty, creating sustaining economic growth and stimulatingsocial development.


Provide the poor wanderer with shelter Affordable & Sustainable Housing

The Challenge

The world is experiencing a global housing crisis. Worldwide,

some 827.6 million people live in urban slums.

It is estimated the world slum population will reach almost 1

billion. About 50 percent of the world’s population now

lives in urban areas and this number is set to increase in the

next 30 years. Minimum wage is not keeping up with the

rising cost of living and many workers struggle to afford

decent housing.

Decent, stable housing provides more than just shelter, it


 Stability for families and children.

 Sense of dignity and pride.

 Health, physical safety and security.

 Increase of educational and job prospects


 無法獲得體面的人的百分比,穩定的住房正在上升。

 增加全球住房供應是基本的。

 適足的住房對人們的健康至關重要世界經濟、社區和人口。

 如果我們要在與貧困的鬥爭中取得成功,我們必須支持擴大住房存量作為政策和實踐。



諾亞基金會採用的方法是為了對全球住房危機造成重大影響 可持續住房倡議需要與住區規劃策略,包括特定的城市形態例如緊湊型城市和混合土地利用、基礎設施網絡、就業機會和社會服務,



Housing must become a priority

 The percentage of people without access to decent,

stable housing is rising.

 Increasing the housing supply across the globe is


 Adequate housing is vitally important to the health of

the world’s economies, communities and populations.

 If we are to succeed in the fight against poverty, we

must support the expansion of housing inventory both

as policy and as practice.

The Strategy

In order to achieve a stable and sustainable housing initiative a comprehensive approach is needed that is not limited to environmental reform but also include social, economic, cultural, and institutional sustainability dimensions.

Noah Foundation adopts the approach that in order to cause an impactful dent to the global housing crisis a sustainable housing initiative would need to be connected to settlement planning strategies including specific urban forms such as compact city and mixed land use, infrastructure networks, employment possibilities and social services, and disaster risk reduction strategies.

Noah Foundation intends to work in countries where the need is the greatest and where can make the biggest impact by funding organizations that provide the poor with affordable green housing, and, that usher opportunities for quality, dignified, and healthy living.






Noah Foundation seeks to support and fund Green and Affordable Housing Development Projects that adopt green building practices and that enhance the overall quality of life, physical health, economic mobility, and environmental footprint of low-income families and their communities.

As a foundation our funding mandate seeks to support and fund Community Development Projects that promote and advances green

building strategies, best practice technologies, and that significantly reduce the impact on water quality, air pollution, global warming, and the depletion of natural resources. 

Noah Foundation will seek to develop as well as Fund, Finance or Partner in Community Development, Construction, and Management projects that are based on achievable time frames, encompass immediate housing urgencies, and yield long-term sustainable green community solutions.

賑災 &環境的管理權



自然災害影響數以千計的社區 世界各地,讓人們迫切需要幫助生存和康復。 在一些緊急情況下,例如全球範圍內的 COVID 19 大流行病,許多其他人宣傳不力,很少公開注意力。 情況可能包括災難性的突發性自然災害和疾病爆發到緩慢發生的危機,例如食品短缺、乾旱、基於性別的暴力和人口因戰爭和內亂而流離失所動盪。


Disaster Relief &Environmental Stewardship

Immediate Response

The Challenge

Natural Disasters affect thousands of communities around the world, leaving people in urgent need of help to survive and recover. While some emergencies, such as the COVID 19 pandemics globally, many others are poorly publicized and receive little public attention. The circumstances can range from catastrophic rapid-onset natural disasters and disease outbreaks to slow-onset crises such as food

shortages, drought, gender-based violence and displacement of populations due to war and civil unrest.

The Strategy





諾亞基金會採用“先進後出”方法並將尋求支持、合作和資助救濟機構、地方組織、非政府組織、以及兩個多雙邊組織專注於第一反應/拯救生命緊急援助,並且還提供PPE 和 COVID 19 疫苗幫助家庭和社區恢復和重建。

Readiness and rapid response assistance are key catalysts to saving lives during an emergency.

With immediate financial support, relief agencies and local organizations that are first responders can deliver help within days—when needs are most significant and immediate

response is critical.

Slow-onset emergencies, such as food crises due to drought, also require targeted support to help people recover and build resilience to copewith future shocks.

Noah Foundation adopts a “first-in, last-out”approach and will seek to support, partner, and funds relief agencies, local organizations, NGO, and both multi-bilateral organization that

specialize in first response/life-saving emergency aid, and that also provide PPE and COVID 19 vaccines help families and communities recover and rebuild.



全球環境危機是一個嚴峻的現實迫使我們採取行動。 我們受到氣候的威脅


隨著人口增長導致過度消費自然資源和化石燃料的過度使用,我們的不可持續的消費模式增加了威脅達到更令人擔憂的水平。 日益加劇的貧困已經導致了世界上明顯的不平等,將人類處於無法修復的危險之中。




Environmental Stewardship

The Challenge

The global environmental crisis is a stark reality that compels us to act. We are threatened with climate change, depletion of land and marine resources, dwindling fresh water reserves, an energy crunch,

biodiversity extinction, and devastated ecosystems.

With increasing population causing overconsumption of natural resources and overuse of fossil fuel, our unsustainable consumption patterns raise the threat to even more alarming levels. Increasing poverty has resulted in glaring inequality in the world, placing

humanity at risk that could be beyond repair.

The Strategy

Noah Foundation’s Environmental Stewardship

strategy is to support, fund, and partner with

organizations that propose efforts to fight for change

in behavior towards creation, that mobilize community

awareness, education and action in communities, advocate alternative energy sources, encourage wise consumption patterns,

ensure appropriate public transportation policies, responsible health and tourism industry and take all




教育 • 企業發展 • 普惠金融



教育是社會、經濟的重要推動力和政治進步。 當人們學習閱讀時,批判性地計算和推理,他們的前景健康、收入流動性和整體繁榮成倍地擴大。 但在進步教育並沒有使每個人受益

other steps to make village, town or city an ideal eco[1]habitation.

Noah Foundation seeks to fund the design anddevelopment of renewable energy sources, invest inprojects that leverage technologies that accelerate thepace of renewable and clean energy innovations, andthat ensure that even the most marginalized lives are improved.

Community Development

Education • Enterprise Development • Financial Inclusion


The Challenge

Education is a great driver of social, economic and political progress. As people learn to read, count and reason critically, their prospects for health, income mobility, and holistic prosperity

expand exponentially. But advances in education have not benefited everyone

平等——和小學入學率只講述令人遺憾的故事的一部分。 數百萬開始上小學的孩子無法完成,更多的人錯過了中學。 今天,大約有 6900 萬青少年——在低收入國家——沒有接受過小學後教育。 在全球範圍內,約 1.23 億 15 歲之間的青年到 24 歲缺乏基本的閱讀和寫作能力,其中大多數 (61%) 是年輕女性。

此外,據聯合國報導,大約 5700 萬小學生歲已失學。 即使作為國家最艱鉅的挑戰報告 大踏步,小學進步 招生速度放緩。 小學適齡失學兒童人數僅下降3百萬。 因此,這種趨勢繼續成倍增加在一個向下的斜坡上。


諾亞基金會的社區發展教育戰略是確保到 2030 年每個孩子都能獲得併能夠完成小學教育。

equally—and primary school enrollment rates tell only part of the regrettable story. Millions of children who start primary school are unable to finish and an even greater number miss out on secondary school. Today, some 69 million adolescents—in low-income countries—are receiving no post-primary education. Globally,

some 123 million youth between the age of 15 to 24 lack basic reading and writing skills, a majority of which (61%) are young women.

In addition, as reported by the United Nations, roughly 57 million children of primary school age were out of school. Even as countries with the toughest challenges report to have made

large strides, progress on primary school enrollment has slowed. The number of out-of[1]school children of primary age fell by only 3

million. As such, this trend continues to multiplyon a downward slope.

The Strategy

The value positioning of Noah Foundation's industry-university-research education in five continents:

Education is an important driving force for social, economic and political progress. When people learn to read, count critically and reason, their prospects for health, income mobility and overall prosperity expand exponentially. But in the evolution of education, the system of industry-university-research integration and the benefit of everyone and the greatest contribution to society.

The global Noah Foundation inherits the century-old Canadian high-level industry-university-research model, seeking support and funding for strong and sustainable education and social demand training projects, focusing on advanced professional education for social adults, from university industry-university-research education and on-the-job programs, Expand the development direction of educational integration, industry-university-research research, and enter the value system of high-level adult education.

Noah Foundation’s Community Development-EDUCATION Strategy is to ensure that by 2030 every child has access to and is able to complete Primary Schooling.







諾亞基金會的社區發展 ENTERPRISE 發展戰略是資助

Noah Foundation seeks to support and fund projects that have a strong and sustainable focus on Early Childhood Education, Primary

Schooling, and After-School programmatic regimentation that extends educational tracks into the arts and sports.

Enterprise Development

The Challenge

Enterprise serves as the economic engine and lifeblood empowering many families and communities in low-income countries to

transition out of extreme poverty.

When a capable individual lacks the opportunity to work, this departure creates dependence and despair, distorting that person’s view of himself or herself and impairs the overall fabric and resiliency of a community.

The Strategy

Noah Foundation’s Community Development[1]ENTERPRISE Development Strategy is to fund



諾亞基金會尋求資助企業促進持續培訓、儲蓄的計劃 項目、小額貸款、創業 孵化器和小型營運資金 企業主,以及實施經濟 可擴展性和經濟流動性軌道。

金融包容性 挑戰

窮人並非生活在貧困的靜態狀態中。 每一個年,數百萬人擺脫貧困成功採用新的農業技術,投資新的商業機會,或尋找新工作。 與此同時,大量的人由於健康問題、財務問題而重新陷入貧困 挫折和其他衝擊。 如果在臨界點可用 moments,儲蓄、支付、信貸的有效工具,保險可以幫助家庭獲得 擺脫貧困或渡過危機的機會或緊急情況而不會陷入更深和/或回到貧困。

SOCIAL Enterprise Programs that enable people living in disadvantaged communities the opportunity to start, develop, and bring to market their own businesses.

Noah Foundation seeks to fund Enterprise Programs that facilitate ongoing Training, Saving Programs, Micro-Loans, Entrepreneurship

Incubators, and Working Capital for Small Business Owners, and that implement economic scalability and economic mobility tracks.

Financial Inclusion

The Challenge

The Poor do not live in a static state of poverty. Every year, millions of people transition out of poverty by successfully adopting new farming technologies, investing in new business opportunities, or finding new jobs. At the same time, large numbers of people

fall back into poverty due to health problems, financial setbacks, and other shocks. If available at critical moments, effective tools for savings, payment, credit, and insurance can help households capture an opportunity to climb out of poverty or weather a crisis or emergency without falling deeper and/or back into poverty.


諾亞基金會社區發展金融包容性戰略旨在資助在拓寬領域發揮催化作用的組織數字支付系統的範圍和金融知識教育計劃,特別是在貧困地區和農村,擴大範圍這些平台上提供的服務。 直到基礎設施和客戶群已經建立,這將涉及手機銀行的組合可通過手機和實體店訪問的服務,訂閱者可以在其中轉換他們賺取的現金變成數字貨幣。


諾亞基金會 – 資產管理 &創收

諾亞基金會持有捐贈基金,諾亞的捐贈、資產和其他禮物國際的。 受託人委員會監督諾亞基金會及專業團隊在財務經理的指導下首席執行官。

The Strategy

Noah Foundation’s Community Development FINANCIAL INCLUSION strategy aims to fund organizations that play a catalytic role in broadening the reach of digital payment systems and

financial literacy education programs particularly in poor and rural areas, and expand the range of services available on these platforms. Until the infrastructure and customer base are well established,

this will involve a combination of mobile banking services that are accessible via cell phones and brick[1]and-mortar stores where subscribers can convert cash they earn into digital money.


Noah Foundation’s – Asset Management &

Revenue Generation

Noah Foundation’s holds the endowments, donations, assets, and other gifts of Noah International. The Board of Trustees oversees

Noah Foundation and a team of professional financial managers under the direction of the Chief Executive Officer.






過程,以允許我們的優化工作。 這些戰略合作夥伴由非常有選擇性的批准過程,並且在大多數情況下案例來自我們現有的合作者,合作夥伴或捐助者。

Our Humanitarian, not-for-profit, tax-exempt, orequivalent status in multiple jurisdictions, allowsmany donors to benefit from tax deductions,offsets or other reductions in taxable income when donations are made to Noah Foundation. This allows us to cultivate donor relationships in various jurisdictions and accept a wide range of assets.

We are the

hands of grace

Strategic Business Partnerships Due to the urgency to complete the work of the organization, from time to time the Management

and/or Board of Trustees authorize strategic partners to participate in the revenue generating process to allow for optimization of our

work. These strategic partners are chosen by a very selective approval process and in most cases come from our existing collaborators, partners, or donors.




我們是恩典之手戰略業務夥伴關係 因急需完成工作組織,不時的管理和/或董事會授權戰略合作夥伴參與創收過程,以允許我們的優化工作。 這些戰略合作夥伴由非常有選擇性的批准過程,並且在大多數情況下案例來自我們現有的合作者,合作夥伴或捐助者。

Our Humanitarian, not-for-profit, tax-exempt, orequivalent status in multiple jurisdictions, allowsmany donors to benefit from tax deductions,offsets or other reductions in taxable income when donations are made to Noah Foundation.

This allows us to cultivate donor relationships in various jurisdictions and accept a wide range of assets.

We are the

hands of grace

Strategic Business Partnerships Due to the urgency to complete the work of the organization, from time to time the Management

and/or Board of Trustees authorize strategic partners to participate in the revenue generating process to allow for optimization of our

work. These strategic partners are chosen by a very selective approval process and in most cases come from our existing collaborators, partners, or donors.


Noah Foundation partner with leadingagencies, reputable foundations, global governments, philanthropists, in a collective

capacity to solve critical environmental andsocial problems around the world.

2017年諾亞基金會全球董事陳俊吉.IAE國際學士院陳俊吉校務長.IAE亞洲大學校長陳俊吉教授院士 全國唯一邀請參與紐約UN聯合國總部高階知識論壇(第四會議廳)






IAE國際學士院大學校長陳俊吉教授院士共融追求「全球和平」 出席慶祝教宗本篤十六世就任四週年紀念酒會與梵蒂岡陸思道蒙席代辦合影



Academy Archives    NEW BOOK PUBLISHED

This open access book, edited by Fernando Reimers, reviews what is known about the effectiveness of climate change education at the precollegiate level.  The book contains five case studies written by Professor Reimers’ students that exemplify curriculums appropriate for teaching climate change in both formal and informal settings.  These curriculums address the needs of specific population in particular contexts around the world.  An approach developed to build university-school relationships is described.  Finally, ways in which climate change education can be designed to foster deeper learning are explained. 

這本由 Fernando Reimers 編輯的開放獲取書籍回顧了大學預科階段氣候變化教育的有效性。 這本書包含五個由 Reimers 教授的學生撰寫的案例研究,它們舉例說明了適合在正式和非正式環境中教授氣候變化的課程。 這些課程針對世界各地特定環境中特定人群的需求。 描述了一種為建立大學-學校關係而開發的方法。 最後,解釋瞭如何設計氣候變化教育以促進更深入的學習。

IAE2020 年 11 月 5 日出版的書籍

The COVID-19 Pandemic renewed interest on the question of what goals should be pursued by schools in a world rapidly changing and uncertain. As education leaders developed strategies to continue to educate during the Pandemic, through alternative education arrangements necessitated by the closure of schools, the question of re-prioritizing curriculum became essential. In addition, the anticipated disruptions and impacts that the Pandemic would cause brought the question of what capacities matter to the fore.  This question is explored by educators in Canada, India, Kenya, Mexico, Singapore, and Zimbabwe.  The closing chapter describes seven lessons of how to build an education renaissance after the Pandemic.  The book is open access.

COVID-19 大流行再次引起人們對學校應在瞬息萬變和不確定的世界中追求什麼目標的問題的興趣。 隨著教育領導者制定了在大流行期間繼續教育的戰略,通過關閉學校所必需的替代教育安排,重新確定課程優先級的問題變得至關重要。 此外,大流行將造成的預期中斷和影響使什麼能力重要的問題成為首要問題。 加拿大、印度、肯尼亞、墨西哥、新加坡和津巴布韋的教育工作者探討了這個問題。 最後一章描述了大流行後如何建立教育復興的七個教訓。 這本書是開放獲取的。

Implementing Deeper Learning and 21st Century Education Reforms: Building an Education Renaissance After a Global Pandemic 1st ed. 2021 版本



UNESCO IBE launches open-access book on “Curriculum and Learning for Climate Action”  (IAE 共融合作聯合國教科文組織國際教育局推出關於“氣候行動課程和學習”的開放獲取書籍)(詳細內容 請點入)↑

我們氣候未來的成敗取決於人們的想法,也掌握在我們的手中。在格拉斯哥舉行的 2021 年聯合國氣候變化大會(COP 26)上,聯合國教科文組織呼籲加強全球對氣候教育的承諾,並加強對各國將氣候變化納入其教育系統的支持。為了避免氣候災難,我們需要迅速、變革性和持續的行動以及我們思維的重大轉變——這種轉變足以使氣候危機成為我們社會、政治、經濟、個人和教育生活的中心。

這也是《氣候行動課程和學習:邁向 SDG 4.7 系統變革路線圖》的關鍵信息,這是一本新的 IBE 書籍,剛剛在 IBE 課程、學習和評估系列中出版。這本書由 Radhika Iyengar(地球研究所,哥倫比亞大學可持續發展中心)和 Christina T. Kwauk(布魯金斯學會)共同編輯。

基於 44 位作者(包括聯合國教科文組織可持續發展教育部門的同事)的貢獻,《氣候行動課程與學習》是比較教育中最好的記分卡之一,可以跟踪這場戲劇的發展,揭示全球氣候危機不像今天的其他教育寫作。它轉向我們的課程、我們的教育系統和我們的社區,以回應如何有效實現聯合國可持續發展目標 (SDG)、普及可持續發展教育 (ESD) 和全球公民教育 (GCED) 的目標 4.7。來自主要利益相關者(包括學生、教育工作者和民間社會領袖)的信息以熱情和異常清晰的方式帶回家:我們可以而且必須通過將氣候行動納入世界大流行的複蘇來避免最嚴重的氣候變化。

免費註冊由美國哥倫比亞大學可持續發展中心主辦的新書發布會(2021 年 11 月 12 日、11 月 19 日和 12 月 3 日):


The success or failure of our climate future lies in people’s minds and is in our hands. At the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 26) in Glasgow, UNESCO called for enhancing global commitment to climate education and reinforced its support to countries to incorporate climate change into their education systems. To avoid a climate disaster, we need rapid, transformative and sustained action and a major shift in our thinking – a shift strong enough to make the climate crisis a center of our social, political, economic, personal, and educational life.

This is also the key message of Curriculum and Learning for Climate Action: Toward an SDG 4.7 Roadmap for Systems Change, a new IBE book that was just published in the IBE on Curriculum, Learning, and Assessment series. The book was co-edited by Radhika Iyengar (Earth Institute,Center for Sustainable Development, Columbia University) and Christina T. Kwauk (The Brookings Institution).

Based on contributions from 44 authors (including colleagues from UNESCO Education for Sustainable Development section), Curriculum and Learning for Climate Action is one of the best scorecards in comparative education for keeping track of this drama as it unfolds, shedding light on the global climate crisis like no other education writing today. It turns to our curricula, our education systems, and our communities for a response on how to effectively achieve Target 4.7 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Universal Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), and Global Citizenship Education (GCED). The message from key stakeholders, including students, educators, and leaders of civil society, is driven home with passion and uncommon clarity: We can and must stave off the worst of climate change by building climate action into the world’s pandemic recovery. 

Download the bookhttps://brill.com/view/title/60973

Free registration for the book launch hosted by the Center for Sustainable Development of Columbia University, USA (12 November, 19 November, and 3 December 2021): https://www.eventbrite.com/e/book-launch-series-curriculum-and-learning-for-climate-action-tickets-203408850347