The human-like embryo made without eggs or sperm||不含卵子或精子的類人胚胎

Scientists grow whole model of human embryo, without sperm or egg

A stem cell–derived human embryo model at a developmental stage equivalent to that of a day 14

By James Gallagher  Health and science correspondent
Scientists have grown an entity that closely resembles an early human embryo, without using sperm, eggs or a womb.

The Weizmann Institute team say their "embryo model", made using stem cells, looks like a textbook example of a real 14-day-old embryo.

It even released hormones that turned a pregnancy test positive in the lab.

The ambition for embryo models is to provide an ethical way of understanding the earliest moments of our lives.

The first weeks after a sperm fertilises an egg is a period of dramatic change - from a collection of indistinct cells to something that eventually becomes recognisable on a baby scan.

This crucial time is a major source of miscarriage and birth defects but poorly understood.

"It's a black box and that's not a cliche - our knowledge is very limited," Prof Jacob Hanna, from the Weizmann Institute of Science, tells me.

Starting material
Embryo research is legally, ethically and technically fraught. But there is now a rapidly developing field mimicking natural embryo development.

This research, published in the journal Nature, is described by the Israeli team as the first "complete" embryo model for mimicking all the key structures that emerge in the early embryo.

"This is really a textbook image of a human day-14 embryo," Prof Hanna says, which "hasn't been done before".

Instead of a sperm and egg, the starting material was naive stem cells which were reprogrammed to gain the potential to become any type of tissue in the body.

Chemicals were then used to coax these stem cells into becoming four types of cell found in the earliest stages of the human embryo:

epiblast cells, which become the embryo proper (or foetus)
trophoblast cells, which become the placenta
hypoblast cells, which become the supportive yolk sac
extraembryonic mesoderm cells
A total of 120 of these cells were mixed in a precise ratio - and then, the scientists step back and watch.


魏茨曼研究所團隊表示,他們使用乾細胞製作的“胚胎模型”看起來就像教科書上真實的 14 天胚胎的例子。






胚胎研究在法律、倫理和技術上都存在爭議。 但現在有一個快速發展的模仿自然胚胎髮育的領域。


漢納教授說:“這確實是人類第 14 天胚胎的教科書圖像,”這“以前從未有人做過”。



滋養層細胞,成為胎盤 下胚層細胞,成為支持性卵黃囊胚外中胚層細胞總共 120 個這樣的細胞以精確的比例混合——然後,科學家們退後一步觀察。